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Special cables for welding

Discover our cables specially manufactured for your welding workshops ensuring longevity of performance

Performance, security, reliability

Nous concevons pour vous des câbles souples ou extra souples pour soudure liant votre poste de soudage avec votre pince porte électrode 

Principalement utilisé dans l'industrie de l'automobile, navale, routière...nos câbles d'une qualité professionnelle et industrielle conservent toutes leur flexibilité même sous le contact d'huile, d'hydrocarbures, de gaz, d'UV

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Electrical cable conductor of the company normaf.jpg

Driver:smooth copper, fine strands
Separator tape: PVC sheet or paper
Sheath:Rugged neoprene or polychloroprene for outdoor use in cold, hot, wet or dry locations
Sheath color:black


Maximum temperature for flexible installation:- 25°C to + 80°C

Fixed operation : - 40°C to + 80°C


For a temperature of 20°C
Nominal voltage :100/100V
Test voltage:1,000 V


Radius of curvature :12x the cable diameter
Combustion characteristics:flame retardant according to IEC 60332-1
Standards applied : similar to VDE 0282-6

Browse our range and choose!

Our welding cables easily withstandincandescent projections and atsheet metal contact and other hot materials.

Weld and assembleaccording to your needs easily and carry out aquality work thanks to our range of welding cables

Discover the complete catalog in PDF version

Cable for welding from the company NORMAF.jpeg

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