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All our industrial electrical cables

Electrical power line for traveling crane and electric hoist.jpeg

Câbles plats pour guirlande

Discover our range of flat electrical cables specially for garlands and other electrical power systems.

Since 1961, we have specialized in the study, design, manufacturing and distribution of garlands and other electrical power systems for traveling cranes, electric hoists and other industrial lifting equipment.

We are able to offer you a complete solution that is easy to use and apply. 

Discover our flat electric cables for garlands and opt for professional quality that has been certified for decades.

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Round cables

for garland

Discover our range of round electrical cables, pipes especially for garlands and other electrical power systems.

Located in Alsace, we have a 5000 m² production and storage site allowing us to produce industrial round cables. 


Special use for garlands, lines and other electrical power systems.

Equip your electric hoists, overhead cranes, jib cranes, lifting equipment with quality round cables ensuring increased productivity

Câble pour enrouleur

Cablesfor reel

Discover our range of industrial cables specially designed for reels. Our cables for reels are perfectly suited to the most extreme mechanical requirements

Opt for cables specially manufactured and used to equip our industrial reels.

For decades we have been designing custom industrial reels. We are present in all manufacturing processes, that is to say from the casing of the reel to the cable.

Our reel cables are capable of meeting all the mechanical and technical constraints you face.

Let us support you in carrying out your industrial project.

Câble spiralé utilisé dans la production industrielle automatique


Transformez votre infrastructure industrielle avec nos câbles spiralés de pointe. Grâce à leur flexibilité inégalée et leur résistance exceptionnelle, nos câbles spiralés vous garantissent une connectivité sans faille et performante.

Flexible, extensible, resistant and above all efficient. Our coiled cables feature cutting-edge materials and technologies to ensure your complete satisfaction.

Study and test in our workshops we provide you with the quantity and length you need.

Opt for professional know-how and expertise with PRODUCTIONS NORMAF.

Industrial factory with normaf cables specially designed for high resistance

Cables for high temperatures

Augmentez votre production et réduisez vos expositions aux dangers avec nos câbles pour hautes températures. 

Découvrez notre gamme de câble pour hautes températures qui assurent votre sécurité face aux incendies et températures extrêmes.

Maintenez votre alimentation électrique dans les bâtiments, usines, établissement publique avec nos câbles SIAF en silicone.

Optez pour la simplicité et contactez nous !

Câble électrique pour la sidérurgie

Welding cables

Increase your production and reduce your exposure to hazards with our high temperature cables. 

Discover our flexible and extra flexible cables special for welding.

Weld easily and without malfunction with our welding cables with impressive flexibility even in contact with oil or hydrocarbon.

Available quickly in our factories, choose a competent industrial partner committed to your success.

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Instrument cables

Collect and transmit quality data with our instrumentation cables.

Browse our range and choose

Véhiculer des signaux précis et bénéficier d'une connectivité sans faille entre vos instruments de mesure et vos systèmes de contrôle grâce à nos câbles d'instrumentation.

Expert en alimentation électrique nous vous accompagnons dans l'étude, la conception et la fourniture de solution parfaite pour vos besoins.

Optez pour nos câbles d'instrumentation qui s'adaptent à plusieurs fonctions et domaines.

Câble électronique de la marque normaf

Câbles électronique

Take full advantage of your data transmission speed and interconnect your industrial space

We offer a variety of electronic cables to meet your needs. including coaxial cables for high power transmission, fiber optic cables for data, television or video transmission, and cables designed for intrinsically safe systems in potentially explosive areas.


Our comprehensive range of products ensures reliable and secure connectivity in diverse contexts.

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Automotive industry cables

Equip your production lines with efficient and reliable cables. Ensure continuous production reducing your interruptions;

Take your automotive production to new heights with our cutting-edge electrical cables. Designed to withstand the rigorous conditions of the automotive industry, our electrical cables provide reliable and consistent power, ensuring optimal performance. From the assembly line to on-board systems, our electric technology takes you further. Choose excellence, choose our electrical cables for limitless mobility.

Opt for remarkable flexibility and consistent efficiency.

Câble électrique industriel pour les grues de chantier

Cables for construction cranes

Benefit from the colossal strength of our electrical cables to improve the work of your construction machinery

Dominate heights with confidence thanks to our electrical cables specially designed for construction cranes. Built to withstand the extreme demands of heavy lifting, our cables deliver unwavering power and exceptional durability.


From colossal construction projects to precise handling, our cables guarantee uncompromising electrical performance. Choose reliability at height, choose our cables for unrivaled lifting operations.

Chaine porte câble pour protéger les câbles d'un machines technologiques

Câbles pour chaîne porte câble

Discover the flexibility and taste of repetitive effort of our electrical cables

Maximize the efficiency of your industrial operations with our specialized energy chain cables. Designed to withstand repetitive motion and ensure reliable data transmission, our cables offer a unique combination of smoothness and robustness. Whether in the robotics, automation or manufacturing sector, our cables provide seamless cabling management, freeing your production line from electrical constraints. Choose innovation, choose our cables for industrial mobility without compromise.

Also discover our cable chains.

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Discover our submersible cables, completely designed and tested in extreme environments

Immerse yourself in excellence with our electrical cables designed for total immersion. Resistant to water and the most demanding industrial environment, our cables ensure reliable power supply even in the most extreme conditions. Whether in subsea sectors, offshore applications or wet industrial environments, our submersible cables give you peace of mind and continued electrical performance.


Choose quality that is not afraid of water, choose innovation with our submersible electrical cables.

Câble électrique industriel pour l'industrie automobile

Câbles robotiques


Opt for quality and discover our SERVO robotic cables specially manufactured for automation areas

Optimisez la performance de vos robots avec nos câbles robotiques SERVO de pointe. Conçus pour une précision inégalée et une durabilité exceptionnelle, ces câbles assurent des mouvements fluides et une transmission de données impeccable. Que ce soit dans l'automatisation industrielle, la robotique médicale ou d'autres applications, nos câbles SERVO offrent une connectivité fiable pour propulser vos robots vers de nouveaux sommets.


Choisissez l'efficacité, choisissez la puissance, choisissez la perfection du mouvement avec nos câbles robotiques SERVO.

Heating cable for overhead crane and electric hoist in the snow.jpg

Heating cables

Avoid freezing and interruption of your industrial infrastructure by opting for our electric heating cables

Face the cold with confidence with our state-of-the-art heating cables. Designed for even heat distribution, these cables ensure uninterrupted performance in the harshest environments. Whether for defrosting, temperature maintenance or other industrial applications, our heating cables offer a reliable and efficient solution.


Choose custom heat, choose innovation, choose our heating cables for uncompromising productivity.

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Cables, grounding accessories

Increase the security of your site, intervention thanks to our earthing cables

In the industrial world, electrical stability is essential. Our grounding cables are the reliable foundation on which the safety of your infrastructure rests. Designed to ensure effective grounding, these cables provide unrivaled protection against electrical hazards.


Choose trust, choose security. With our grounding cables, anchor your industry in unshakeable stability.

BPAP control cable for controlling your overhead crane, electric hoist.jpeg

Ground control cables

Control your mobile industrial machines with our ground control cables

Dominate the industrial field with our electrical ground control cables, designed for total control of your operations. Of unrivaled robustness, these cables provide reliable transmission of energy and data, guaranteeing optimal control of ground equipment. Whether for automation, logistics or other industrial applications, our electrical cables give you the power of control at your fingertips.


Choose reliability, choose efficiency. Opt for our cables and transform your industrial floor into an area of undisputed control.

Câble multipolaire de la société NORMAF pour l'alimentation d'une turbine d'avion

Câbles multipolaires

Collect, transmit, and analyze reliable data thanks to the performance of our multipolar cables

Our multi-core cables ensure efficient transmission of energy and data. Whether for automation, industrial control or other applications, our multi-core cables are the safe choice for uncompromising connectivity.


Opt for versatility, opt for performance. Choose our cables and transform your infrastructure into a reliable and efficient industrial network.

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Power and transmission cables

Propulsez vos machines et autres infrastructures industrielles grâce à nos câbles d'énergie et de transmission de puissance

Make your industrial ambitions a reality with our power and transmission cables. Designed to deliver uninterrupted power and ensure impeccable data transmission, these cables are the foundation of your industrial success.


Whether to power your machines, optimize your processes or connect your systems, our cables are the key to your performance.


Choose reliability, choose efficiency. Choose our cables and power the future of your industry.

Supplier of high-performance cables and
quality for all of Europe 

Since 1961, we have been developing arange of industrial electrical cable meeting all your needs. Cablestandard electric Atthe most complex electrical cable, we can support you in therealization of your industrial projects.


We have a warehouse specially reserved forcable storage so that you receive what you are looking foras quickly as possible.


All of our industrial electrical cables aresubject to VDE, UL, CSA standards to ensure youtotal security when using our industrial cables.

Norme VDE
CSA Standard
Câble plat électrique industriel en stock NORMAF
HO7VVH6-F electrical cable available
Câble électrique rond pour l'industrieen stock
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